Monday, December 14, 2009

And so it begins....

Well, never expected to finally get around to this! I've procrastinated so much it's ridiculous, however now that the semester is ending and I'm incredibly busy, I figure that's the best time to finally start....wait.
Figure I'll fill you in on some details. First the title of this blog, Forget and Not Slow Down, is taken from a recent song by Relient K.... with that title.
I feel that the chorus fits where I'm at in life and my outlook on where I'm going.

I'd rather forget and not slow down
Than gather regret for the things I can't change now
If I become what I can't accept
Resurrect the saint from within the wretch
Pour over me and wash my hands of it

Pretty sweet lyrics right? I thought so. Anyway, as for my woodrowyourboat. That's what you get when every. single. name. is. TAKEN. Honestly? You can't even be witty! So I took a very old nickname from my freshmen year. My middle name being Woodrow, I was given a long winded name by some friends. Luke Woodrowyourboatgentlydownthestream Liddell. Yeah. Got it?
This blog itself was serious shouting match in my head. I couldn't decide between a vlog or a simple blog, or whether I should even do one at all, plus a couple other doubts. While I argued with myself, I took to it to myself to write down plenty of posts in the mean time and now I feel they deserve a place here on this blog. Which means you get to be confused when, after this post, I suddenly jump BACKWARDS. Go figure.
I figure before I do so I'll give you a little background into me though. As you saw earlier, I'm Luke Liddell. An 18 year old kid from Fayetteville, AR. I've lived here my entire life, in fact, my father built the house I live in now shortly before I was born. I'm in such a hectic and crazy time right now. Since August, I've been dealing with a messy breakup, as well as coming to terms with some serious mistakes I've made along the way in my relationships, behavior, and just life in general. I was an only child up until this last May when my father remarried, and now I live with a younger step-sister and step-brother, a step-mom and my best friend, Anthony. That was up until this week actually. Just before Thanksgiving I got news that my father had accepted a job offer from a company in Conway, AR a city 3 hours away. So as of this very moment, I'm spending my last week in my childhood home. My sister and brother will down during Christmas break, it's my senior year though and I'm staying. I'll move in with my Grandma further in town after the break. Crazy huh? Like I said it's a hectic time, besides the break ups and family shifts, I'm dealing with the whole college thing. A total waste of time right? Apparently not. I'm looking to going into going to the University of Central Arkansas for two years and then transferring to Central Baptist College, both in Conway. I've surrendered to full-time ministry, so that's where my life is heading. What that exactly means I'm not sure yet, and truthfully I like it that way, I got enough to worry about for today. I'll get more into my spiritual journey, life issues and blessings, and other things before long. However now seems a good time to go back and add some of those old posts I wrote.

Much Love,

P.S. This is an awesome quote! I love quotes, you'll see lots of them. Deal with it.
"God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life, that I may burn for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like You, Lord Jesus." - Jim Elliot


Patrinas Pencil said...

Nice to meet you, Luke. I'm excited to read further in your posts to get to know you more. I'm excited that you, an 18year old, have surrendered your life to full-time ministry. I am a PK and my son-in-law , also here in Fayetteville, is a pastor. We have all moved here to plant a church.

I like the way you write. I like that you know how to communicate your feelings. I like that you care about people. I like what I see and read so, I'll be back.

Hang in there, Luke. Press in and don't slow down. You're headed in the right direction. :) God bless

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